Okami is an action-adventure game developed by Clover Studio and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 2 platform in 2006. The game revolves around the adventures of Amaterasu, a god of the Japanese gods, in dealing with the invasion of the dark forces that are threatening the survival of the world.
In Okami, players will control Amaterasu on a journey with various obstacles and missions. With her powers, Amaterasu is able to change the environment, create objects, and restore life to the world around her. In addition, Amaterasu is also capable of fighting monsters and enemies by using paintbrushes to create magical skills.
The graphics in Okami are designed in the style of “sumi-e”, a traditional Japanese painting style, with a combination of thin lines and bright colors. The music and voices in the game are also impressive, mixing traditional and modern Japanese elements.
Okami is considered one of the best games of the PlayStation 2 generation with rich content, unique graphics, and impressive sound. It received numerous awards and marked an important milestone in the history of the action-adventure game genre.
Download Okami ROM for Sony PlayStation 2 and play it on your device with APKMARA.