Life is Strange: True Colors Switch ROM NSP + UPDATE/ALL DLC

Updated 23-06-2024 (4 days ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Square Enix
Size 14G
Require 13.1.0
Release Year 2021
Download 436

Life is Strange: True Colors is an open-ended adventure game that offers touching stories and unique gameplay. The game was developed by Deck Nine and published by Square Enix in 2021. On the Nintendo Switch platform, the game promises to bring great experiences to players with a deep story and beautiful graphics.

Discover the Deep Story of Alex Chen

In Life is Strange: True Colors, you will play Alex Chen, a young girl who possesses the ability to sense and control the emotions of others. Alex comes to the town of Haven Springs to reunite with her brother, Gabe. However, after a mysterious accident leads to Gabe’s death, Alex decides to use her special ability to investigate the truth. Every decision you make in the game can affect the plot and Alex’s relationships with those around her.

Innovative Gameplay and Engaging Graphics

Life is Strange: True Colors combines adventure gameplay and deep interaction, allowing you to explore the environment and solve problems through Alex’s special abilities. The graphics in the game are vibrant and detailed, creating a colorful and realistic world. The Nintendo Switch brings flexibility to this experience, allowing you to enjoy the game at home or on the go.

Emotional and Reflective Experience

The game goes beyond action and delves into inner exploration. Touching scenes and delicate music create a special atmosphere, making players feel attached to Alex’s story. Your choices will lead to different endings, creating an emotional and unforgettable journey.


Life is Strange: True Colors on Nintendo Switch is a great choice for those who love open-ended adventure games. This game not only offers a deep storyline and diverse gameplay but also lets you experience powerful emotions. Join Alex in discovering the secrets of Haven Springs and immerse yourself in her story.

Download Life is Strange: True Colors Switch ROM NSP + UPDATE/ALL DLC

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it says missing volume part 2 rar
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nvm i figured it out
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no link to download game
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add new, check again
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