Updated 02-08-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Microids
Size 6,9G
Require Base=14.1.1 / UPD=14.1.2
Release Year 2022
Download 355

XIII is a third-person shooter game developed and released by Microids in 2003. In 2022, the game was ported to the Switch platform, bringing new experience opportunities to players.

Fascinating plot

In XIII, you will play a man who does not remember anything about his past, only knowing that he is being chased by a group of assassins. The player’s mission is to use shooting and fighting skills to survive and find the truth about his past.

The gameplay is simple but effective

XIII’s gameplay is quite simple but effective. Players will use the ZR and ZL buttons to shoot and change weapons. Other buttons are used to move, jump, and use special skills. The game brings dramatic and exciting action experiences.

Impressive graphics and music

XIII stands out with unique cel-shaded graphics and impressive music. The cel-shaded graphics give the game its distinct art style, highlighting details and creating a unique visual experience. The music in the game is also highly appreciated, contributing to creating a tense and attractive atmosphere.


If you’re a fan of third-person shooters, XIII is a great choice. The game has great graphics, music, and storyline, giving you hours of entertainment and unforgettable experiences. XIII is not only an action game but also a story full of surprises and suspense.

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