Updated 23-07-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Finji
Size 2,8G
Require 14.1.2
Release Year 2021
Download 568

TUNIC is an innovative action-adventure game, developed and published by Finji. The game launched in 2021 on the Nintendo Switch platform, attracting players’ attention with its unique graphic style and engaging gameplay.

Fascinating Storyline

In TUNIC, players will play the role of a little fox, adventuring in a mysterious and dangerous world. TUNIC’s world is designed with diverse environments, from deep forests, and mountain peaks to giant caves. Players will explore new lands and learn the hidden mysteries in this world. TUNIC’s plot is not only captivating but also opens up many interesting wonders and challenges.

The gameplay combines Action and Puzzle

TUNIC combines action and puzzle elements, allowing players to perform attacks, dodge, and solve clever puzzles. On their journey, players will encounter many challenges and must use their intelligence to overcome them. In addition, side objectives and secret items also appear along the way, helping you expand the little fox’s abilities and knowledge.

Beautiful Graphics

One of the highlights of TUNIC is its beautiful voxel-style graphics. This design creates a vivid and colorful comic book-like world. TUNIC’s adorable and sophisticated graphics are a perfect fit for the Switch platform, providing a great visual experience for players.


TUNIC on the Switch platform is an exciting action-adventure game with beautiful graphics and gameplay that combines action and puzzles. The game not only brings great moments of entertainment but also challenges the player’s intelligence. If you are looking for a unique adventure experience, TUNIC is the perfect choice.

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