Trover Saves the Universe is a humorous action platform game developed and published by Squanch Games in 2019. The game was released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.
In Trover Saves the Universe, players take on the role of a humanoid character named Zagreus, who is tasked with rescuing his children from the hands of an evil boss named Glorkon. Zagreus will be helped by a companion named Trover, a purple-eye-like creature.
The game has gameplay similar to other action platform games, with the player controlling Zagreus jumping, shooting, and fighting enemies. However, Trover Saves the Universe also has some puzzle elements, such as the player having to figure out how to solve puzzles to unlock new doors or areas.
If you are a fan of humorous action platform games, then Trover Saves the Universe is a great choice for you. The game has engaging gameplay, interesting storyline, and humorous gameplay that will make you laugh non-stop.