Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya, the latest game in the Touhou Project series, promises to bring players into the colorful world of Gensokyo. Developed by Phoenixx and scheduled to launch on Nintendo Switch in 2024, the game puts you in the role of Mystia Lorelei, a young youkai with the dream of opening the busiest izakaya in Gensokyo.
The innovative gameplay of Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya combines a nightclub management simulation and engaging role-playing. During the day, you will walk around Gensokyo, collect ingredients, and discover interesting stories.
Your exploration of Gensokyo will take you to diverse markets where you can shop for ingredients from different stores.
While exploring, you meet and chat with many Touhou Project characters, building relationships to attract them to your izakaya.
When night falls, Mystia becomes a passionate izakaya owner. Use ingredients to prepare delicious dishes, making your izakaya your favorite destination in Gensokyo.
The menu varies from simple to elaborate, with Touhou’s signature ingredients. Get creative to attract customers and enhance your izakaya’s reputation.
With the profits earned, upgrade the izakaya, expand the space, and attract more customers. Make your izakaya a cozy place that attracts people to enjoy.
Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya promises to bring a new and exciting experience to the world of the Touhou Project, with engaging gameplay, beautiful graphics, and fun music. Join Mystia in conquering her dream of becoming the most successful izakaya owner in Gensokyo!