Tokyo School Life is a video game in the visual novel genre, developed by M2 and published by Dogenzaka Lab and PQube. The game was first released in 2015 for Microsoft Windows and was later released for Nintendo Switch in 2019.
The game is set in Tokyo, Japan. The player takes on the role of a high school student who moves to Tokyo to attend Sakuragaoka High School. Here, players will meet three beautiful girls: Karin, Aoi, and Sakura. Players will have the opportunity to get to know, chat, and develop relationships with these three girls.
Tokyo School Life has a light plot, revolving around teenage love stories. The game has beautiful anime graphics, with meticulously designed and lively characters. The game’s music is also very soothing, creating a relaxing feeling for players.
Tokyo School Life is a game suitable for people who love visual novels and gentle love stories. The game has an engaging storyline, beautiful graphics, and soothing music.