The Fall is a story-based action-adventure game developed by Over The Moon. The game was released on the Nintendo Switch in 2018. It combines action and puzzle elements, accompanied by a dramatic and deep story.
In The Fall, you will play as ARID, an artificial intelligence on a suit of military armor, in a mysterious future world. Your armor is damaged after an event and you must try to protect its true owner, who has been injured and can no longer function. During your journey, you will explore a mysterious revolutionary base and face many dangers to save your master.
The Fall combines action and puzzle elements. As ARID, you will have to interact with the environment, find objects, and solve problems to progress in the game. You will also participate in battles and must use your fighting abilities to deal with enemies.
If you are looking for an action-adventure game with a unique story and interesting puzzles, The Fall on Nintendo Switch could be an interesting choice for you.