The Adventures of Panzer: Legacy Collection is a collection of two classic platformer games: The Adventures of Panzer (1990) and Panzer & Tank Trouble (1991). This collection is published by Ratalaika Games for the Nintendo Switch system.
Both games in the collection feature similar 2D platformer gameplay. The player controls the Panzer, a small tank, moving through levels, destroying enemies, and collecting items.
The Adventures of Panzer is set in a fantasy world where Panzer must fight against evil forces. The game has 50 levels divided into 5 worlds.
Panzer & Tank Trouble is the sequel to The Adventures of Panzer. In this game, Panzer cooperates with Tank to fight against enemies. The game has 40 levels divided into 4 worlds.
The Adventures of Panzer: Legacy Collection is a great collection for fans of classic platformer games. The game offers a challenging and fun experience for those looking for a nostalgic game to play on the Nintendo Switch system.