Spelunky 2 ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

Updated 24-07-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Mossmouth
Size 349M
Require Base=12.1.0 / UPD=12.1.0
Release Year 2021
Download 356

Spelunky 2 is a roguelike platformer game developed and published by Mossmouth for the Nintendo Switch in 2021. It is the sequel to the game Spelunky released in 2013.

In Spelunky 2, players will transform into Spelunky’s daughter, who is on a journey to find her parents who have mysteriously disappeared. Along the way, she will meet and make many friends, each with their special abilities. Players will have to use their abilities to defeat enemies and overcome challenges along the way.

Spelunky 2 is a game with beautiful graphics, attractive gameplay, and an interesting storyline. The game has received many compliments from experts and fans. If you are a fan of the Raguelike platformer series, then Spelunky 2 is a game that you should not miss.

Download Spelunky 2 ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

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