SENSEs: Midnight ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

Updated 24-07-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Eastasiasoft
Size 765M
Require Base=16.0.0 / UPD=16.0.2
Release Year 2023
Download 457

SENSEs: Midnight is a survival horror game developed by SUZAKU Games and published by Eastasiasoft. The game was released for the Nintendo Switch on June 7, 2023.

SENSEs: Midnight is set in a small town in Japan, where the locals begin to transform into demon-possessed creatures. Players will take on the role of a young man named Ryosuke who must find a way to save the town from demonic possession.

The game has a combination of puzzle and action gameplay. Players will have to use their puzzle skills to overcome obstacles and find the necessary items. Players will also have to fight demonic creatures to protect themselves and others.

SENSEs: Midnight is an engaging survival horror game with engaging gameplay and beautiful graphics. The game will definitely give players moments of suspense and tension.

Download SENSEs: Midnight ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

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