Return is an action-adventure game developed by Dead Unicorn, launching on Nintendo Switch in 2024. The game takes you on a journey to return to your homeland after 200 years of adventure searching for a new life in the colonies. When you return, you face a dangerous post-apocalyptic world, forced to fight to survive.
In Return, you’ll experience a vast world with many different areas to explore, from ancient city ruins to desolate valleys. Each area contains its own secrets and challenges, waiting for you to explore. Searching for clues about the past and deciphering the mystery of the collapse of civilization is an important part of the journey.
The game challenges you to face many dangerous enemies and fierce bosses, inspired by legends and myths. Use diverse combat skills, combining weapons and magic to take down enemies. You can also upgrade your character, and unlock new, more powerful abilities to easily overcome challenges.
Collect precious items, currency, and resources to upgrade your weapons, equipment, and ship. Discover mysterious treasures hidden all over the world and use them to increase your power and decode the world’s secrets.
Return is a perfect game for those who love action-adventure, exploration, and combat. If you’re looking for a fresh and challenging experience, try Return today!