Legend of Grimrock, a legendary dungeon crawler RPG, is officially released on Nintendo Switch in 2024. The game has a classic yet captivating style, taking players on a journey to escape the dangerous and mysterious Grimrock Mountain.
Journey through the dungeon
In Legend of Grimrock, you will play as a group of prisoners sentenced to death and exiled to the terrifying Grimrock Mountain. To survive and escape, you must explore the dungeon floors, solve tricky puzzles and face dangerous creatures lurking in the dark.
The game requires players to utilize their reasoning, observation and tactics to overcome challenges. With a turn-based combat system and creative puzzles, every step in the dungeon is full of danger and surprises.
Nintendo Switch Version with Full Content
The Nintendo Switch version of Legend of Grimrock not only brings the original experience from 2012 but also integrates all previously released DLC content. This gives players the opportunity to experience all the dungeon floors and unique challenges that the game has to offer.
Legend of Grimrock is the perfect choice for those who love the classic dungeon crawling RPG genre. With the Nintendo Switch version, you will experience the game anytime, anywhere, discovering the deepest secrets of Mount Grimrock.