HunterX: code name T ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

Updated 24-07-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher ORANGE
Size 2.65G
Require 16.1.0
Release Year 2024
Download 268

HunterX: code name T is an action role-playing game inspired by the Hunter x Hunter anime, released by ORANGE POPCORN for Nintendo Switch in 2024. Players will take on the role of hunters, participating in the journey to explore the world. The vast world, search for secret treasures, and face dangers.

Explore the Hunter world with water scenes, city chases, and ancient ruins. Experience diverse activities such as battles, solving mysteries, and collecting valuable items. A unique Nen system based on the anime helps players learn and use powerful Nen skills in combat.

Embark on a journey to become the strongest Hunter, undertake dangerous missions, and uncover secrets in the Hunter world.

HunterX: code name T promises to deliver a great Hunter role-playing experience on Nintendo Switch. Get ready to become a hunter and explore this mysterious world!

Download HunterX: code name T ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

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