FANTASIAN Neo Dimension, from the father of FINAL FANTASY, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu, is an immersive masterpiece that offers an emotional journey. It is the perfect combination of traditional gameplay and modern creative elements.
A world facing destruction
The game takes place in a world devastated by Mechteria, a mechanical infection that causes humans to lose their emotions and turn into machines. The main character, Leo, wakes up in an unfamiliar dimension with vague memories. The journey to find memories and save humanity begins here.
A journey through space and memory
Leo, with a mysterious device in hand, must travel through dimensions to find his lost past and defeat Mechteria. Along the way, he will meet loyal companions, discover secrets, and face many challenges. This is not just an adventure, but also a journey to discover the true meaning of friendship and hope.
Why play FANTASIAN Neo Dimension?
If you are a fan of RPGs, love to explore fantasy worlds and want to join a challenging journey, FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is the ideal choice. With the perfect combination of storytelling, engaging gameplay and top-notch graphics, this game is a memorable experience.
Save the world with Leo
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is not just a game, but also a work of art, where your every action has great meaning. Join Leo on his journey of self-discovery and fight for the survival of humanity!