ESP Ra De Psi ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

Updated 24-07-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher M2
Size 834M
Require 11.0.1
Release Year 2020
Download 325

ESP Ra De Psi is a multidimensional shooter (shmup) developed and published by M2 in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch platform. This is the sequel to ESP Ra De, a famous shmup game released in 1998.

ESP Ra De Psi is set in a fantasy world where astronauts must fight against an evil force that threatens to invade Earth. Players will control a spaceship and use different weapons to destroy enemies.

The game has beautiful 2D graphics with eye-catching special effects. The game’s music is also very impressive, with vibrant and heroic background music.

ESP Ra De Psi has gameplay similar to classic shmup games. The player will move the spaceship along the screen and use the buttons on the controller to shoot and dodge enemies. The game has 5 levels with increasing difficulty.
ESP Ra De Psi is a high-quality shmup game that offers an engaging gaming experience for fans of the genre. The game is highly appreciated by experts and players and is considered one of the best shmup games on Nintendo Switch.

Download ESP Ra De Psi ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

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