Updated 04-08-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher RedDeer.Games
Size 2.49G
Require 18.0.0
Release Year 2024
Download 268

DROS is a dark fantasy adventure game that takes you into a world full of mystery and challenges. In the game, you will control two characters: Dros, a slimy little creature, and Captain, Dros’s bounty hunter cover. The world in DROS is designed with impressive pixel art graphics, creating a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere.

Unique Gameplay

DROS brings a new experience when you control alternately between Dros and Captain. Each character has its skills, helping to overcome challenges in the game. Dros can squeeze through narrow gaps and control complex mechanisms, while Captain is stronger and capable of fighting. This combination creates diverse gameplay, requiring players to flexibly use the skills of both characters.

Many Diverse Challenges

In DROS, you will face many different challenges. Challenges include deciphering puzzles, fighting enemies, overcoming obstacles, and exploring hidden rooms filled with treasure. Each challenge requires you to think logically and skillfully use the skills of both characters to overcome.

Freedom to Explore

The world of DROS is vast and unconstrained by linearity, giving you the freedom to explore at your own pace. This creates a laid-back experience where you can stop to explore every nook and cranny and search for precious antiques.


DROS is the perfect choice for those who love adventure games, exploring the vast world, decoding mysteries, and overcoming challenges. In particular, those who love fantasy games with a dark atmosphere and mysterious and spooky things will find it attractive. DROS is also a great choice for those who are passionate about puzzle games and looking for new experiences.

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