Updated 19-08-2024 (1 month ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Team17
Size 685M
Require 16.0.0
Release Year 2023
Download 667

DREDGE puts you as a brave fisherman, exploring the mysterious deep seas and facing terrifying creatures. With haunting graphics and a thrilling storyline, the game brings you dramatic and memorable experiences. Get ready for a journey of discovery under the ocean, where darkness and danger always lurk.

Explore the Deep Sea World

In DREDGE, you will sail to explore remote islands and unknown seas. Each area contains secrets and dangers, testing your courage and ship control skills. Exploring the waters helps you unlock new locations and brings stories full of mystery and drama.

Fishing And Treasure Hunting

Search for rare fish and hunt for hidden treasures at the bottom of the sea. In DREDGE, fishing is not just a quest but also how you make a living and expand your possibilities of exploration. Completing quests and finding treasure will help you unlock new seas, allowing you to discover more secrets.

Upgrade Your Ship For Deeper Exploration

Equip your vessel with modern equipment to explore deeper waters and catch more rare fish. Upgrading your ship is an important element in DREDGE, helping you face bigger challenges and go further in your exploration journey. Each upgrade brings tangible benefits, from resistance to fishing performance.

Facing the Darkness

When night falls, the sea becomes more dangerous than ever. DREDGE brings strange and terrifying sea creatures that threaten your survival. Facing the darkness is your greatest challenge, requiring strategy and courage to overcome potential dangers. Your survival depends on your ability to deal with these threats.

Fascinating and Mysterious Plot

DREDGE is not only an adventure of discovery but also a thrilling story where you will learn about the dark past of the islands and discover the mysteries hidden at the bottom of the sea. The plot is tightly built, combined with horror elements to create a captivating and unforgettable experience.


DREDGE is a great game for those who love the combination of adventure exploration and horror elements. With engaging gameplay, haunting graphics, thrilling storyline, and dramatic challenges, the game promises to bring you hours of memorable experiences. Prepare to face the mysteries of the seabed and explore a dangerous world in DREDGE.


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your discription is wrong
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