Art of Glide 2 Switch NSP

Art of Glide 2
Updated 01-08-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Loneminded
Size 2.22G
Require 18.0.0
Release Year 2024
Download 268

Art of Glide 2 takes you on an exciting exploration journey in the vast desert world, which hides countless secrets and challenges. Get ready for an adventure to explore unique locations and conquer every challenge!

Surfing Freely

Move through the endless desert environment at your own pace. Enjoy the feeling of freedom and ease as you glide through dunes and majestic terrain. Every journey is a new adventure, full of fun and excitement.

Challenge and Discovery

Explore over 18 hidden locations, from ancient ruins to abandoned industrial zones. Each place contains its own stories and secrets, waiting for you to decode. Avoid dangerous obstacles and practice your control skills to overcome all obstacles. Each challenge brings a sense of satisfaction when conquered.

Entertainment With Family

Art of Glide 2 is suitable for all ages and levels of gamers. The game brings fun and entertainment for the whole family with simple yet challenging gameplay. Enjoy fun moments together as you explore the vast desert world and decode hidden secrets.

Enjoy It To The Fullest

Discover hidden secrets in unique locations and open up new aspects of the game. Practice precise control skills and complete tough challenges. Art of Glide 2 is not just a game, but also a journey full of fun and surprises.

Get ready for an exciting journey and complete unexpected challenges in Art of Glide 2!

Download Art of Glide 2 Switch NSP

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