Alien Hominid Invasion is a platformer and shooter game developed by The Behemoth and released November 2023 for Nintendo Switch platforms.
In Alien Hominid Invasion, players take on the role of an alien named Hominid, who is trying to invade Earth. Hominids will face many different enemies, including the military, police, and citizens. Hominids can use a variety of weapons and abilities to fight, including guns, lasers, bombs, and the ability to transform.
The game has side-scrolling gameplay. Players will move Hominid through levels, destroy enemies, and collect items. The game has a total of 15 levels, each level has a different theme.
Alien Hominid Invasion has single-player mode and co-op mode for up to 4 people. Single-player mode offers a challenging gaming experience, while co-op mode offers fun and chaos.
The game is highly appreciated for its gameplay, graphics, and sound. Alien Hominid Invasion is a fun and engaging platformer and shooter game that offers a challenging and exciting gaming experience.