Ace Antigravity Combat Racing is an arcade action racing game developed by Max Interactive Studio and published by Max Interactive Studio for Nintendo Switch on August 4, 2023. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic future , where anti-gravity racers compete against each other in fast-paced, combat-filled races.
Ace Antigravity Combat Racing has gameplay similar to classic arcade racing games like OutRun and Pole Position. Players control an anti-gravity racing car through challenging tracks, trying to reach the finish line first. The game features combat elements, allowing players to use weapons and special abilities to take down opponents.
Ace Antigravity Combat Racing has many game modes, including:
Arcade Mode: Simple game mode where players try to finish first in a series of races.
Competitive Mode: Multiplayer game mode where up to 8 players can compete against each other in a race.
Difficulty Mode: Game mode allows players to adjust the difficulty of the game.
Practice Mode: Game mode allows players to practice their driving skills
Ace Antigravity Combat Racing has beautiful 3D graphics, with detailed designed racing tracks and cars. The game’s sound is also very impressive, with vibrant soundtracks and dynamic sound effects.
Ace Antigravity Combat Racing is a fun and exciting arcade racing game. The game has simple yet challenging gameplay, unique combat elements, and impressive sound graphics. If you are a fan of arcade racing games, then Ace Antigravity Combat Racing is a game that you should not miss.