San Goku Shi V is a fighting video game developed by Namco Bandai and released for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) in 2009. The game is the fifth installment in the series Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi and is the first installment released on the PSP platform.
The game is set after the battle with Majin Buu, Goku and his friends are enjoying a peaceful life when a new enemy appears. His name is Janemba, a demon from another dimension. Janemba has immense power and he kidnapped Trunks and Goten. Goku and his friends must once again stand up to protect the Earth and rescue the two children.
San Goku Shi V uses 3D fighting gameplay similar to previous installments in the series. Players can choose from more than 100 characters from the Dragon Ball comic series. Each character has unique skills and moves.
The “Fusion” system allows players to fuse two characters into one more powerful character.
The “Ultimate Tenkaichi Mode” system allows players to participate in massive battles with multiple characters at the same time.