Street Fighter EX3, released in 2000 on the PlayStation 2, is a unique 3D fighting game developed by Arika and published by Capcom. It is the sequel to the Street Fighter EX series, taking players into exciting battles with classic characters from the Street Fighter series.
Attractive 3D fighting gameplay
Players will choose from a familiar cast of characters such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, and many other prominent faces. Street Fighter EX3 brings a unique 3D fighting mechanism, allowing for complex combos and signature attacks of each character. The realistic feeling in each movement and attack increases the appeal of each match.
Rich game modes
The game not only offers a single player mode but also supports multiplayer mode, allowing you to challenge friends or participate in fighting tournaments. In addition, players can unlock new content and improve their skills through a scoring system, providing variety and progression in gameplay.
High-quality graphics and sound
Street Fighter EX3 on PS2 stands out with smooth 3D graphics, reproducing each character and battle environment in detail. Skill effects and attacks are beautifully designed, bringing a strong and epic feeling. Vivid sound, combined with attractive background music, increases the drama in each match.
A game worth experiencing in the Street Fighter series
Street Fighter EX3 is not only a sequel but also an innovation with creative 3D mechanics. The game is suitable for both long-time fans of the Street Fighter series and those who are just starting to explore the world of fighting. The combination of diverse gameplay, quality graphics and rich game modes makes this one of the most worth-playing games on PS2.
If you love the fighting genre and want to experience eye-catching battles with legendary characters, Street Fighter EX3 is an option not to be missed. Get ready to step into the arena and show off your skills with this classic game!