Portal Runner ROM Download – PS2 Game

Portal Runner
Updated 03-11-2023 (8 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher 3DO
Size 2.37G
Release Year 2001
Download 679

Portal Runner is an action-adventure game developed by 3DO and published by Eidos Interactive.The game was released on the PlayStation 2 (PS2) in 2001.

In Portal Runner, players take on the role of Vicki Blake, a character from the real world who is transported into a mysterious mythical world. Vicki will have to fight and explore through the levels to rescue her friend and find a way back to her world. The game combines elements of action, dancing and puzzles in diverse environments.

The gameplay of Portal Runner focuses on using weapons and skills to face enemies and solve puzzles in the environment. Players will also need to explore the environment to figure out how to get far in the story.

Portal Runner offers an exciting adventure story combined with compelling action gameplay on the PS2 platform. Although it did not receive high praise for its opportunity to show off, the game still provided a remarkable entertainment experience for the players.

In a nutshell, Portal Runner is an action-adventure game on the PS2 platform, released by Eidos Interactive in 2001. The game follows the adventures of Vicki character in a mythical world, episode focuses on action, puzzles and environmental exploration.

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