Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games in 2004. It is the sixth installment of the Grand Theft Auto series and is Fourth release in the 3D Universe game line.
The game is set in the fictional city of San Andreas, based on 1990s California. The player controls Carl “CJ” Johnson, a former member of the Grove Street Families gang, who returns home after his brother he was killed. CJ faces many challenges, including investigating his brother’s death, reconciling with his family and gang, and overcoming new enemies.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a huge open world game, with lots to explore and do. Players can freely explore the city of San Andreas, participate in quests, perform side quests, or simply stroll and admire the sights. The game also features an improved combat and driving system, as well as a detailed character customization system.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a hugely successful game, critically praised for its scale, content, and gameplay. The game has sold more than 27.5 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling game of 2004.