Obscure: The Aftermath for PSP is a survival horror game developed by Hydravision Entertainment and published by Playlogic in 2009. It is the sequel to Obscure, and it continues the story of a group of students. The high school uses its abilities to fight against horror creatures and solve mysteries in an abandoned school.
In the game, players will control different characters to find puzzle pieces, fight horror creatures, and solve mysteries related to the abandoned school. Each character has a special skill, and the player must use them to overcome challenges and solve puzzles.
Similar to the previous game, Obscure: The Aftermath on PSP is multiplayer, allowing players to team up with friends to complete cooperative missions or participate in head-to-head matches.
Obscure: The Aftermath on the PSP platform is a challenging survival horror game, with attractive multiplayer features, however, there are also disadvantages in terms of graphics and unoptimized gameplay. perfect on PSP. Download Obscure: The Aftermath ROM for PlayStation Portable and play it on your device with Apkmara.