The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki: Revised is an action role-playing game developed by Falcom and published by NIS America for the Nintendo Switch in 2023. This is a remake of the game The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki was released in 2011.
In The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki: Revised, players will transform into Rean Schwarzer, a high school student studying at Thors Academy. Rean and his friends will have to face a major conspiracy that threatens the Erebonia empire.
The game has action role-playing gameplay. Players will control Rean and his teammates to participate in turn-based battles. During the battle, players will use skills and attacks to defeat enemies.
The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki: Revised has beautiful graphics, engaging gameplay, and an interesting storyline. The game has received much praise from experts and fans. If you are a fan of The Legend of Heroes game series, The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki: Revised is a game that you should not miss.