Lovecraft’s Untold Stories ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

Updated 10-04-2024 (3 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher BLG Publishing
Size 1,3G
Require 8.0.1
Release Year 2019
Download 236

Lovecraft’s Untold Stories is a horror role-playing game inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, delivers a macabre and haunting experience on Nintendo Switch. Released by BLG Publishing in 2019, the game takes you into battle against mystical creatures and uncovers horrifying mysteries.

Set in the 1920s, you will play as a private detective, scientist, or journalist, each with their abilities and skills. Explore creepy locations from ancient mansions to gloomy forests, facing strange creatures like Cthulhu, Shoggoth, and Deep Ones.

Lovecraft’s Untold Stories is more than just a third-person shooter. You need to use your mind and tactics, using weapons and spells to fight your enemies. Resource management, hiding, and using your surroundings are key to survival.

With unique pixelated graphics, the game creates a dark and mysterious atmosphere. Creepy sounds, spooky music, and haunting dialogue immerse you in Lovecraft’s horror world.

Lovecraft’s Untold Stories consists of 5 chapters with independent stories, each chapter taking you to new locations and facing different challenges. Explore notes, letters, and clues to decode secrets and save the world from disaster.

For those who love horror games, Lovecraft’s Untold Stories is the perfect choice to explore Lovecraft’s mystical world. Get ready to face horrors and uncover dark secrets in this game!

Download Lovecraft’s Untold Stories ROM NSP + UPDATE – Switch Game

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