A Tale of Paper: Refolded ROM NSP – Switch Game

A Tale of Paper: Refolded
Updated 20-04-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Digerati
Size 3.59G
Require 17.0.1
Release Year 2024
Download 268

A Tale of Paper: Refolded is an enthralling puzzle adventure from Digerati, launching on Nintendo Switch in 2024. The game takes players on an emotional journey with Line, a magical character created from origami paper.

Line was created by Lily, a little girl who dreams of becoming a talented origami designer. When Lily died, Line decided to fulfill her dream, starting a journey to explore the world and learn the meaning of existence.

A Tale of Paper: Refolded

The unique feature of “A Tale of Paper: Refolded” is Line’s ability to transform through origami. Players can control Line to transform into many different shapes such as frogs, rockets, birds,… to overcome challenges and obstacles in the game.

The game offers a creative puzzle system, requiring logical thinking and meticulous observation. Each level contains unique mysteries, forcing players to maximize their abilities to progress further in the journey.

A Tale of Paper: Refolded” possesses beautiful 2D graphics with a delicate origami art style. Melodious and gentle music contributes to adorning Line’s touching story.

This is a creative and touching puzzle game, for those who love meaningful stories and unique gameplay.

Download A Tale of Paper: Refolded ROM NSP – Switch Game

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