Pokémon Link: Battle! is a turn-based puzzle video game developed by Genius Sonority and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. The game was released in Japan on April 15, 2015, in North America on September 15, 2015, and in Europe on September 18, 2015.
In Pokémon Link: Battle!, the player controls a Pokémon trainer as they battle against other opponents by pairing Pokémon of the same type. The game is played on a 3×3 grid, and the player can pair up to 5 Pokémon of the same type to create powerful attacks.
Pokémon Link: Battle! There are over 600 Pokémon to collect, and players can use them to create their own battle teams. The game also features several different game modes, including story mode, puzzle mode, and online battle mode.
Pokémon Link: Battle! appreciated for graphics, sound, and gameplay. The game also received several awards, including the Game of the Year award at the 2015 Japan Video Game Awards.