Medal of Honor: Vanguard, the 10th installment in the Medal of Honor series, is a thrilling first-person shooter. Developed by EA Los Angeles and published by Electronic Arts in 2007, the game offers an immersive combat experience on the PlayStation 2 platform.
Play as paratrooper Frank Keegan
Players will take on the role of Frank Keegan, an American paratrooper during World War II. The story begins in the battlefields of Brest, France, and continues through the fierce battles of Nijmegen, Netherlands. Various missions such as destroying enemy bases, rescuing hostages, and reconnaissance of strategic targets will test your skills.
Realistic and varied gameplay
The game takes full advantage of the PS2’s capabilities, providing beautiful graphics and realistic sounds, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the fierce war space. The diverse Arsenal includes famous weapons of World War II, from the M1 Garand rifle to the heavy machine gun, bringing a realistic combat feeling.
If you love shooting games and want to learn more about World War II, Medal of Honor: Vanguard is a choice not to be missed. With immersive gameplay, tight storyline, and vivid combat space, the game brings emotional and tense moments on the battlefield.
Join Frank Keegan’s journey to fight and write history through Medal of Honor: Vanguard!