Homeland ROM Download – GameCube Game

Updated 09-12-2023 (7 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Daniel Benmergui
Size 968M
Release Year 2023
Download 668

Homeland is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Canadian independent developer Daniel Benmergui. The game is released for the Nintendo Switch on May 19, 2023.

In Homeland, players take on the role of a soldier named David, who is trying to find his way back home after getting lost in a war. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where cities are devastated by war and wild areas are controlled by gangs and other enemies.

Players will have to use their combat and exploration skills to overcome obstacles, fight enemies, and explore the world around them. The game features a reflex-based combat system where the player must dodge enemy attacks and launch his own attacks.

Homeland received positive reviews from critics, with praise for its graphics, gameplay, and story. The game has been nominated for multiple awards, including “Best Game” at IndieCade 2022.

Download Homeland ROM Download – GameCube Game

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