Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu is a fighting game based on the popular manga/anime series Dragon Ball Z, developed by Webfoot Technologies and published by Atari for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) mobile system. This game was released in 2003.
In Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu, players will be able to choose and control their favorite Dragon Ball Z characters, including Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Frieza, Cell, and many more, to participate in battles against each other. resistance. The game features 2D graphics with famous attacks, special skills, and moves from the Dragon Ball Z series.
Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu received bad reviews from the gaming community. Simple gameplay, substandard graphics, and bad balance are some of the minus points of this game. This has made it underappreciated in the Dragon Ball Z lineup on the GBA platform.
Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu on the GBA platform is a fighting game based on the Dragon Ball Z manga/anime series, but received bad reviews for its graphics, gameplay, and balance.
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