Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X on the 3DS platform is an action role-playing game based on the popular manga and anime series Dragon Ball. The game was developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in 2017.
Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X gives players a diverse combat experience with a card system. You will build a squad of characters from Dragon Ball and use cards to summon and fight. During the game, you will experience exciting matches and a journey to explore the world of Dragon Ball.
The game offers a variety of game modes, including story mode, arena mode, and multiplayer mode. Players can participate in dramatic matches, enhance skills and collect new cards to enhance their squad. The game graphics are very sharp and realistic with the characters and environments faithfully recreated from the original series.
Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X on 3DS is a thrilling game for Dragon Ball fans where you can battle your favorite characters and experience a thrilling adventure in the Dragon world. Ball.
Download Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X ROM for 3DS and play it on your devices Windows PC, Mac, IOS, and Android with APKMARA.