Disney-Pixar Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales is an adventure simulation video game set in the Disney-Pixar animated series Cars. The game was developed by Avalanche Software and published by THQ in 2010 for the Nintendo Wii.
In the game, the player will transform into Mater, a tow truck of the town of Radiator Springs. Mater will tell the player stories about his adventures, and the player will participate in quests to help him complete those stories.
The game has a total of 12 stories for players to explore. Each story has a different setting and challenges. Players will have to use driving, puzzle solving, and combat skills to complete missions.
The game has bright and eye-catching 3D graphics. The characters in the game are designed exactly like in the cartoon. The sound in the game is also very lively and fun.
Disney-Pixar Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales is a fun and engaging game for all ages. The game has an engaging storyline, beautiful graphics and fun gameplay.