Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains is an action game developed by Spike Chunsoft and published by Atlus in 2014, based on the popular anime/manga series Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin). This game allows players to immerse themselves in a survival battle against giant creatures that threaten the survival of humanity.
Experience unique action gameplay
In Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains, you will play the main characters such as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Your mission is to protect the city from Titan attacks by using the Vertical Maneuvering Device (ODM). This system allows players to move flexibly in the 3D environment, climb buildings, and attack the weak points of Titans – the only way to defeat them.
Vivid 3D environment
The game recreates the city environment and vast landscapes in detail and vividly. Each level is filled with ferocious Titans, requiring players to use all their skills and tactics to overcome them. Intense battles and breathtaking action scenes make the game extremely attractive.
Familiar characters and dramatic stories
You will meet familiar faces from the anime/manga, each character has a unique story and abilities. The game’s plot follows the content of the series, allowing you to experience outstanding events and face the same challenges that the characters have gone through.
Multiplayer and cooperative modes
Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains also supports multiplayer mode, allowing you to cooperate with friends to destroy Titans. This not only adds to the appeal of the game but also brings moments of entertainment together in the fight against giant enemies.
If you are a fan of the “Attack on Titan” series or live-action games, Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains on Nintendo 3DS is a great choice. The game offers a thrilling action experience, an engaging storyline, and dramatic battles.
Download Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains ROM for 3DS and play on your devices. This is a great opportunity for you to join the tense and thrilling survival battle in the world of Attack on Titan.