Endless Ocean Luminous, a unique simulation adventure game, officially launched on Nintendo Switch in 2024, developed by Arika and published by Nintendo. Entering the mysterious world of the Che Sea, you will explore this vast and fascinating ocean region.
As a diver, you will immerse yourself in the Che Sea and discover the wonders hidden behind the ocean floor. Each dive brings a new and surprising experience, with hundreds of vivid and detailed marine species.
The diverse ecosystem of Che Beach with more than 500 species of marine life is faithfully recreated, from small fish to giant whales. Experience the feeling of living in a real ocean world.
Explore the mysteries of the Covered Sea, from shipwrecks to forgotten treasures, and even meet magical creatures believed to be extinct.
Experience an ocean exploration journey alone or with friends in online Multiplayer mode. Share exciting moments and explore the magic of the ocean world together.
With beautiful 3D graphics and vivid sound, Endless Ocean Luminous offers a realistic experience like real scuba diving. Immerse yourself in the enchanting ocean world and discover wonders with Endless Ocean Luminous on Nintendo Switch!