Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is an adventure, crime-solving, and visual novel game on the Nintendo 3DS platform. The game was developed and published by Capcom in 2007 in Japan (under the name Gyakuten Saiban 4) and later released internationally in 2008.
In Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, players will play the main character Apollo Justice – an emerging, young, and dynamic lawyer. In the role of Apollo, players will investigate complex cases, find evidence and prove the innocence or guilt of the accused. The game will take you into legal battles full of tension and surprises, with noticeable changes compared to previous Ace Attorney games.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney uses the 3DS’s intuitive control system to manipulate the investigation and trial process. In addition, the game also takes advantage of the touch screen to help players manipulate and find necessary information.
With a compelling storyline, thrilling mysteries, and difficult cases, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is one of the excellent crime-solving games on the 3DS platform and gives players hours of relaxation. relax and cause tension in solving confusing cases.
Download Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney ROM for 3DS and play it on your devices Windows PC, Mac, IOS, and Android with APKMARA.