Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission is an exciting card battle game based on the popular Dragon Ball series. Developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, the game was released on Nintendo Switch in 2019, bringing a new experience to players who love the Dragon Ball world.
Build Your Team and Explore the Virtual World
In the game, players will be taken to the virtual world of Dragon Ball Heroes. Here, you can build and customize a team of characters from the Dragon Ball series. Each card will allow you to perform special moves to attack and defeat your opponents. Discovering and collecting cards will help you constantly improve your team.
Diverse Game Modes and Challenges
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission offers a variety of game modes. Story mode will take you into a new, challenging storyline. You will meet and fight familiar characters in Dragon Ball. In addition, the Single Player mode is where you can hone your skills and try your hand at various enemies. If you like to compete, the Online mode allows you to face other players from all over the world. This is your chance to show off your skills and tactics.
Vivid Images and Sound
In terms of images and sound, the game offers a great experience with sharp graphics and vivid sound. The details are reproduced realistically, from the characters to the special skills. This helps create a feeling of being immersed in the Dragon Ball world.
Promising Adventure Experience
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission is not only an entertaining game but also a promising adventure in the Dragon Ball world. This is a great choice for both loyal fans and those who are new to this game series.