Dragon Ball Fusions is an engaging fighting role-playing game developed by Ganbarion and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in 2016 on Nintendo 3DS. With its innovative gameplay and engaging storyline, the game is a great gift for fans of the Dragon Ball series.
Create a Team with Your Favorite Characters
The highlight of Dragon Ball Fusions is the ability to combine characters from different worlds in the Dragon Ball universe. You can build a diverse team with characters from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super. Creating new characters is not only fun but also opens up many unique combat possibilities.
Challenging Turn-Based Battles
The game offers turn-based combat, where you can use special skills, combos, and team tactics to win. Each team can include up to 5 characters, creating flexibility and depth in gameplay. Battles require concentration, especially when facing powerful enemies at higher levels.
A Game Worth Playing for Dragon Ball Fans
Despite its minor shortcomings, Dragon Ball Fusions is still an interesting and creative RPG fighting experience. The ability to create new characters and formations brings freshness to the game, while maintaining the heroic spirit of the Dragon Ball universe.
Embark on a journey of discovery and battle in the Dragon Ball world to create the strongest formation and conquer all challenges!