The Jackbox Party Pack 6 Switch NSP + UPDATE

Updated 24-07-2024 (2 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Jackbox Games
Size 2.1G
Require 9.2.0
Release Year 2019
Download 643

Jackbox Party Pack 6 is a collection of online puzzle and entertainment games, developed and published by Jackbox Games. This collection has launched on multiple platforms, including Nintendo Switch, bringing fresh air to gatherings of friends and family.

Game Diversity

One of the outstanding strengths of Jackbox Party Pack 6 is the variety of games. This collection includes 5 main games: Trivia Murder Party 2, Dictionarium, Push the Button, Joke Boat, and Role Models. Each game has its unique gameplay and style, providing players with a diverse and rich entertainment experience.

  • Trivia Murder Party 2 is a dramatic question-and-answer game that requires players to compete for survival.
  • Dictionarium allows players to create and define new words uniquely and interestingly.
  • Push the Button takes players on a sci-fi adventure where they must find the intruder in the group.
  • Joke Boat is a quiz game where players need to create creative jokes.
  • Role Models help players discover their friends’ strengths and personalities through role-playing.


Jackbox Party Pack 6 is a diverse and engaging collection of puzzle and entertainment games, suitable for gatherings of friends and family. With a mix of exciting games and multiplayer features, this collection offers hours of fun and memorable memories for everyone.

Download The Jackbox Party Pack 6 Switch NSP + UPDATE

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