Pine Hearts is a compact open-world puzzle adventure game, developed by Hyper Luminal Games and published by Little Nook, launching on Nintendo Switch in May 2024. In the game, you will play the role of Tyke, a kid. Children return to Pine Hearts Caravan Park after many years away, rediscovering summer memories and hidden secrets of childhood.
Pine Hearts offers the vast and beautiful open world of Pine Hearts Caravan Park, where you will search for useful tools and items to aid in your journey. Decode puzzles and overcome obstacles to discover hidden secrets, interact with different characters, and learn their stories. Also, record your memories and thoughts in a hiking journal.
With beautiful graphics, soothing music and a touching story, Pine Hearts promises a relaxing and meaningful gaming experience. If you’re looking for a light and enthralling puzzle adventure game on Nintendo Switch, Pine Hearts is a great choice for you.