Naruto Shippuden: The New Era is an action-adventure game developed by Tomy and released in 2011. The game is based on the Naruto Shippuden manga/anime series, bringing a completely new story with engaging experiences exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS platform.
Transform into familiar characters
Players will control famous characters such as Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake. In this ninja world, you will participate in intense battles, explore exciting adventures and use the special skills of each character. The game takes advantage of the 3DS touch screen to perform moves in a creative way, bringing a new feeling to the player.
Vivid graphics and sound
Naruto Shippuden: The New Era impresses with beautifully designed graphics, faithful to the visual style of the original manga. Each scene and character is recreated in detail, creating a sense of familiarity and closeness. The vivid and realistic sound enhances the appeal, helping players immerse themselves in the world of Naruto.
An ideal choice for Naruto fans
The game not only brings a new storyline but also brings unique gameplay with tactical battles. This is the perfect choice for Naruto fans and those who love the action adventure genre. With its unique elements, Naruto Shippuden: The New Era will definitely be a worthwhile experience on the Nintendo 3DS system.