Naruto – Ninja Council is an action-adventure game based on the popular manga series Naruto developed by Aspect and published by Tomy Corporation on the Game Boy Advance (GBA) platform in 2006.
In this game, players will take on the role of the Naruto character and confront the enemies who are trying to attack Konoha, where Naruto lives. The game has many different levels and players will have to overcome challenges to progress to higher levels.
Graphics in Naruto – Ninja Council are designed in anime style, with sharp and colorful images. The gameplay of the game is also quite simple and easy to play, with basic control buttons on the GBA. However, this game also has some disadvantages, such as the difficulty of the levels being quite different, which can make players feel frustrated and discouraged.
Overall, Naruto – Ninja Council is a good game for Naruto fans, but it may also not be suitable for players looking for a more challenging and varied action-adventure game.
Download Naruto – Ninja Council ROM for GBA and play it on your devices Windows PC, Mac, IOS, and Android! with APKMARA.